“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.” (Luke 8:11)
What is it about seeds that make them a suitable comparison to the Scriptures? Throughout the Bible, we see analogies for what the Bible is like to our souls:
Fire (Jer 5:13)
Gold (Ps 19:9–10)
A Hammer (Jer 23:29)
Honey (Ps 119:103)
Light (Ps 119:105)
Milk (1 Pt 2:2)
A Mirror (Jam 1:23–25)
Rain/Snow (Isa 55:10–11)
Food (Heb 5:11–14)
Water (Eph 5:25–26)
A Sword (Eph 6:17)
A Seed (Luke 8:11; 1 Pt 1:23)
The meaning of many of these metaphors leaps off the page. Valuable, sweet, revealing, nourishing, protecting…but a seed? Some of the word pictures are powerful, too—fire, hammer, sword…seed? How is the humble seed a fitting picture of the word of God?
1. Seeds are in every culture
Everywhere around the world, for all time, people are planting, harvesting, eating—all from seeds.
The Bible belongs in every culture, too. God’s word belongs everywhere seeds are found. God’s word always applies. The Bible is never out of step or out of place. God’s word applies to every person and place on earth.
2. Seeds have variety
Apple, jalapeño, pumpkin, sunflower—different seeds for different foods, flavors, and purposes.
The Bible also has a variety of promises, poetry, commands, doctrine, songs, and different spiritual foods and flavors for our walk with Christ.
3. Seeds are unassuming
We look at a seed and think nothing. There isn’t a line at the local garden center to look at seeds. Seeds look boring out the outside.
Some think the same about the Bible: “It’s just a book. Thousands of years old. I’m not a reader, etc.”
4. Seeds are packed with life and power
But there is more to seeds than what we can see! When you watch a timelapse video of what a seed does, your jaw drops. A tiny little acorn can make an oak tree that will sprawl, burst through concrete, and leave people in awe.
And the same with the Bible. It’s far from boring, plain, and average.
God’s word can bring a soul from death to life. It tells us how Jesus died and rose for our sins. It tells us about God’s love and his power and his faithfulness. This book brings comfort, peace, and hope. The Bible is so much more than just a book!
5. Seeds want to crack open in the soil
They want to explode and bring life and growth. They are like little miracles! Seeds want to burrow in, disrupt the soil, and burst forth with life.
God’s word wants to bring life and transformation into our lives. The Scriptures go into the heart, dig in, disrupt, and then erupt with transforming power that reaches our brains, speech, wallets, passions, attitudes, calendars, loves, and lives.
The word of God is a seed that wants to transform our lives to follow Jesus.
Let’s take up and read with an honest and good heart—a heart that wants to hear from God and follow him (Luke 8:15).
I recently preached a sermon on how the Bible is like a seed. You can listen to it below.