Whatever we do not preach, let us preach Jesus Christ. I have found, wherever I have been during the last month, that though there might not be a road to this place or that, there was sure to be a London road. Now, if your sermon does not happen to have the doctrine of election, or the doctrine of final perseverance in it, let it always have Christ in it. Have a road to London, a road to Christ, in every sermon.
— C. H. Spurgeon
My new Easter devotional from Spurgeon, The Risen King: 40 Devotions for Easter from C. H. Spurgeon, is now available. The readings take you through the Gospels, surveying Jesus’s ministry and concluding at the cross and resurrection. Each day includes Scripture, Spurgeon’s comments, reflection questions and a short prayer (from me). If you love Spurgeon, this will feel like a brand-new book from him. This would be a great way to get Spurgeon into the hands of your church, too.
Learn more about the book at the link below: