My New Book

Happy to share some news about my upcoming book, co-authored with my friend, Doug Logan.
The Soul-Winning Church: Six Keys to Fostering a Genuine Evangelistic Culture releases on August 1 and is available for pre-order (Amazon and The Good Book Company).
Doug and I want to encourage pastors, planters, and churches with six simple and supernatural strategies to see souls won for Christ. What would it look like for a whole church, the entire culture, to be committed to seeking conversions and the Lord of the harvest? We've seen him do it. And we believe he can do it in your church.
👀 You can now read Paul Tripp's foreword and the introduction to the book.
Here's a sampling of the support we received for the book:
Paul Tripp said in his foreword, "Nothing I have read does a better job of describing what it means for a church to function (from preparation to discipleship) as an evangelistic, lost-people-loving, and lost-people-seeking community. As I read, I was convicted, encouraged, and motivated again and again, and I think you will be too."
Jared C. Wilson: "Finally, a book that both demystifies the ministry of evangelism and practically applies the ministry to the life of a local church!"
J.T. English: "Medders and Logan help churches, pastors, and ministry leaders consider how to build not just platforms for evangelism but a culture of evangelism in every aspect of the church’s ministry."
Rico Tice: "I think this will become the key book on mobilizing the local church for evangelism in the English-speaking Western world over the next ten years."
Vance Pitman, J.D. Greear, and more.
Podcast Interview
I'll share more in the months ahead. In the meantime, you can listen to an interview Doug and I did with Tony Merida on the New Churches Podcast.
We hope this book blesses you, your church's leadership and your ministry to see souls won for Christ, become disciples of Christ, and then become "fishers of men" themselves.